The Secret to Creating Great Reflections in Your Landscape Images

Whenever I see a body of water I get excited because I know that means a reflection!

Reflections are a great tool to create interesting compositions for landscape photographers.

One tip to incorporating reflections in your landscape images is to get low to the ground as this will emphasize the reflection in your image. Typically, placing the horizon line dead center can lead to a flat boring image, but in an image with a reflection in it emphasizes exactly what we want to, the reflection!

It’s also important to visit the body of water on a calm day when there isn’t much wind, typically this is in the morning at sunrise. If there is a slight ripple in the water it can be smoothed out with an ND filter.

Additionally, try to include the complete reflection in the body of water, as this will emphasize the symmetry in the image. Otherwise the reflection can become visually jarring, defeating the compositional effect of the reflection.


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